Time: 12:30 - 14:00
Since 2011, renewable power supply in SA has grown to a R192 billion infrastructure sector representing about 85% of direct foreign investment into the country. Today, renewable energy is an established sector which will be a major contributor to GDP going forward. It is the best example of the public-private partnerships meant to underpin the National Development Plan and is arguably the best global example of sustainable development combined with climate friendly development.
What are some of the key questions to ask at this time? Where might the necessary partnerships emerge and what are the career opportunities implicit in the explosive growth of the sector? These are some of the questions that will be engaged with in the course of the presentation and the discussion to follow. Participants will be invited to contribute questions and discussion points, either complex or simple.
Please join us for what promises to be an uplifting, inspiring and interactive seminar.
Johan van den Berg is the CEO of the South African Wind Energy Association, the Chair of the South African Renewable Energy Council and the African Private Sector Focal Point for the Africa-EU Energy Partnership