World Climate Exercise - Climate Negotiations Simulation
–This is a role-playing simulation of the United Nations climate talks to be held later this year at COP21 in Paris. The simulation allows participants to interactively engage and experience the dynamics that emerge as nations negotiate a global agreement on climate change and to develop a deeper understanding of how to address climate change. You can learn more here.
Event details: Wednesday, 7th Oct, 5-7pm EGS Studio 5
UCT Climate Action Society will also be screening "Unearthed," an acclaimed South African documentary, "Unearthed" as we explore the issue of fracking in the Karoo and draw connections with the broader discussion on social and environmental justice and what it takes to transition to a future that is truly inclusive and sustainable. The preview can be seen here: Popcorn, snacks & drinks will be available.
Event details :Tuesday, 29th Sept, 5-7pm EGS Studio 5