Nick Tye, a senior consultant at C4 EcoSolutions, has experience in designing and implementing ecosystem-based adaptation projects in developing countries. His work at C4 has included: leading and coordinating the development of GEF adaptation projects for a range of clients; developing several GEF PIFs, and undertaking baseline assessments for an Adaptation Fund project in Cambodia. He has also led the development of a GEF-SCCF project in Albania, GEF-LDCF Global Support Programmes, and a GEF-LDCF project in Angola. In addition, Nick is the Chief Technical Advisor for an Adaptation Fund project in Cambodia. Before joining C4, Nick worked as a Biodiversity Specialist – focusing on birds – for the North West Provincial Government in South Africa. This work linked to his MSc research, undertaken at Wits University, which focused on biodiversity in riverine ecosystems in the Kruger National Park.
Lessons learned from the design and implementation of a large-scale climate change adaptation project in Cambodia
Millions of dollars of donor funding are being directed towards projects in developing countries that aim to reduce the vulnerability of poor communities to climate change impacts. C4 EcoSolutions – a climate change consultancy in Cape Town – has designed, and is facilitating the implementation of, such a climate change adaptation project in Cambodia. This project promotes ecosystem-based adaptation approaches to building the climate resilience of rural Cambodian communities living within Community Protected Areas. This presentation will provide an overview of this ongoing adaptation project, including achievements thus far, and highlight the practical lessons that have been learned during its design and implementation. It will also include a general introduction to the inter-governmental climate change processes that make a project such as this possible. The presentation is intended to provide students with a real-world example of how climate change science may be applied.