UCT to host a WUN Global Challenge Conference on Public Health and Responding to Climate Change

The Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) is hosting a conference at the University of Cape Town, on Public Health and Responding to Climate Change, on 28-30th March 2014. The aim is to explore research issues at the intersection of climate change and public health, with two sessions exploring topics around food (in)security and migration. The first session will focus on how nutrition and health are affected by climate change (and climate variability); while the second session will focus on how climate change can exacerbate health issues of migrating populations. An interdisciplinary and transgenerational approach will be adopted for this conference, to explore public health implications of policy responses to climate change for current and future generations, and to further conceptual understanding and identify knowledge gaps.
This conference is not open to the public, but briefings and publications arising out of the conference could be distributed to those interested.