This seminar will give an introduction to a methodology which documents change agents who act as drivers of low-carbon transition projects. The projects and insights to be presented form part of the analytical work of the PhD research by Nadine Kuhla von Bergmann (Technical University Berlin). As the PhD research is still ongoing, the seminar aims at gathering critical input, recommendations or further references to existing projects from participants. Please come, listen and engage in a vibrant discussion around Cape Town as a "Creative Climate City".
Nadine has lectured at the CHORA City & Energy Institute at the Institute for Architecture at TU Berlin since 2012. She is the project manager of the climate-KIC funded research project “Smart Sustainable Districts – Green Moabit” (2015 - 2017). Besides lecturing and project managing, she is working on her PhD focusing on Cape Town as a prototype for a “Creative Climate City” under supervision of Prof. Pahl-Weber (TU Berlin) and Prof. Katharina Hölzle (University of Potsdam) and with the great support from the ACDI.