With the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) continuing to produce updated and scientifically robust detail on the causes and impacts of climate change, there is little doubting that the issue of man-made carbon emissions will continue to be a hot topic.
The IPCC says there is 95% certainty that global warming is being exacerbated by emissions from the anthropogenic (human induced) burning of fossil fuels such coal, oil and natural gas.
With such attention on climate change, there is going to be increased scrutiny on those who are responsible for the emissions that cause it. As corporate sustainability reporting matures, so too does the issue of carbon emissions and the measurement of companies’ carbon footprints (the volume of greenhouse gases emitted by a company).
So prolific has the carbon footprint become, that it can now be considered a “charismatic specie” of sustainability reporting, with international and national awards being offered for completeness and performance of companies’ carbon accounting activities.
In this talk, Nici Palmer with nearly a decade of experience in the field, will deliver an informative overview of carbon management and accounting – spanning from its importance/relevance on an environmental level (e.g. climate change mitigation) to how-to’s, incorporating practical case studies. The talk will also touch on the implications and design of carbon tax in the South African context.