Sharon Bosma
Dissemination workshop of WRC project and Nansen Tutu Center seminar serie no 1.
Please join us: we will make the seminar series accessible to non specialists.
0930:1000 Mathieu Rouault: Impact of ENSO on streamflow in the 19 South African Water Management Areas
1000:1030 Bellinda Monyela: A two-year long drought in summer 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 over South Africa.
1100:1130 Arielle Stela Nkwinkwa Njouodo: Role of the Agulhas Current on South African rainfall
1030:1100 Tea break
1100:1120 George Noel Tiersmondo Longandjo: Variability of Central Africa rainfall and impact on Southern African rainfall.
1120:1140 Rodrigue Anicet Imbol Koungue: Forecasting Benguela Niños
11:40:1200 Mathieu Rouault: Ocean Atmosphere Interaction across sea surface temperature gradients