Please join the Energy Research Centre as Prof Manfred Fischedick shares insights into the German Energiewende and reflects on where we stand at the moment and where we want (wanted) to be at the current stage.
Prof Fischedick has highlighted that aiming for a complex transformation pathway does not only put technological challenges on the table, but social, political, infrastructure and market challenges as well. He adds, "No need to explain that in addition an innovation challenge occurs as we do need system innovations (a combination of technological, structural and social innovations). In other words we have to embed new technologies into an appropriate social, institutional, cultural and political framework and not to forget (as we do not have a blueprint for the "Energiewende") space for gaining experience via real laboratories."
Prof Fischedick is Vice President and Director of Future Energy and Mobility Structures at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy, He is also a professor at the Schumpeter School of Business and Economics (University of Wuppertal). His work focuses mainly on the energy and mobility structures of the future. His core work and research topics include the energy economy, energy systems and scenario analyses, renewable sources of energy, and innovative energy technologies.