Speaker: Nick King

Title:   Our Climate is changing – what about us

Date:   Thursday 24th July 2014

Time: 13h00-14h00


Dr Nicholas King is currently an independent consultant in global change and sustainability. Nick has over 30 years’ experience in the global change, environmental science, and sustainable development sectors. His expertise encompasses futures research, global change trends analysis, in particular technology and environmental change, including climate change, scenarios development and systems thinking, and working with governments, the private sector, landowners, NGOs and local communities across these sectors in multi-stakeholder coordination, strategic planning, change management, conflict resolution and integrated planning.

 In his most recent formal employment, from mid-2007 to Dec 2011, Nick was Executive Director of the inter-governmental Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF; www.gbif.org) based in Denmark; from 2003 to 2007, the Chief Executive of the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT; www.ewt.org.za), Africa’s largest conservation NGO, based in South Africa, and prior to that, Executive Director of BioNET-International (www. bionet-intl.org) a science capacity building initiative based in the UK and working in over 140 countries.