ACDI is able to tailor-make a course or capacity-building activity to meet the needs of academia, government, the non-profit or private sector. If your organisation has a training need relating to climate change or sustainable development, please contact

Examples of tailored courses and training offered by ACDI and other partners at UCT include:

  • Enhancing the capacity of African countries to use climate information to inform decision-making

    The ACDI is leading the development of a Climate Information Project, which was designed in response to a call by the African Development Bank (AfDB) to develop a set of updated climate change assessments for 25 African countries. The purpose of these climate change assessments is to support improved decision-making within the AfDB by integrating considerations of climate change - including country-specific priorities for climate change mitigation and adaptation - into the design and risk management strategies of future projects in Africa. Tailored training was delivered to teams to use the assessments and tools.


  • Malawi DCCMS capacity building programme

    UCT's Climate Systems Analysis Group was contracted to work in partnership with the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS) in Malawi to undertake a capacity building needs assessment, and to review their existing information production and delivery activities.  During this project, tailored training was developed and delivered in partnership with DCCMS in a “train the trainer” approach. This enabled DCCMS staff to maintain in-house knowledge. CSAG provided ongoing support to DCCMS, particularly in development of their climate atlas.