ACDI is able to tailor-make a course or capacity-building activity to meet the needs of academia, government, the non-profit or private sector. If your organisation has a training need relating to climate change or sustainable development, please contact
Examples of tailored courses and training offered by ACDI and other partners at UCT include:
Enhancing the capacity of African countries to use climate information to inform decision-making
Malawi DCCMS capacity building programme
UCT's Climate Systems Analysis Group was contracted to work in partnership with the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS) in Malawi to undertake a capacity building needs assessment, and to review their existing information production and delivery activities. During this project, tailored training was developed and delivered in partnership with DCCMS in a “train the trainer” approach. This enabled DCCMS staff to maintain in-house knowledge. CSAG provided ongoing support to DCCMS, particularly in development of their climate atlas.