UCT-UEA Newton PhD exchange programme on Understanding the Climate System and Coping with Climate Change

The University of Cape Town (UCT) and the University of the East Anglia (UEA) in the United Kingdom are pleased to announce an exciting PhD exchange programme supporting students’ conducting interdisciplinary research in the areas of ‘Improving understanding of the climate systems – including the Ocean and Atmosphere‘ and ‘coping with climate change’.
If you are currently conducting your PhD research on the fields mentioned above, we are pleased to invite you to apply for the UCT-UEA Newton PhD exchange programme for placement at the UEA for a period of 3 months. Through the exchange, PhD students can conduct field work, develop models, attend training, and acquire expert supplementary supervision for their research relating to constraining climate variability and its drivers, including the global ocean carbon cycle.
Guidelines for application process:
You will need to fill in an application form and provide a short proposal in support of your application, detailing areas such as the research to be undertaken during the visit, training you will access, and how the placement will benefit your research. Please download and complete the application form here.
Supporting documents
A 2-page CV
Copy of certified ID/ passport
Supervisor’s support letter
UCT registered PhD students conducting research in any field relevant to climate change and developmental studies
The exchange programme will cover
The costs of a return flight,
Visa, and Travel insurance,
Stipend valued at £1,273 per month – to cover accommodation and living costs.
Travel times
Successful applicants must have completed their 3 months exchange programme by 31 October 2019. Also, while abroad, kindly note it is compulsory to attend a special event, the Tyndall Centre Assembly, and this event usually falls in September. If possible, we strongly advise to align your travel dates to attend this event.
Closing date
The closing date for submitting your completed application form with all supporting documents is 31 October 2018.
Please note announcements on the outcome will be communicated a month after the application closing date.
If you are interested and would like more clarity on how to explore this opportunity, please feel free to contact Masixole Langa