Nominations for the United Nations Climate Change Conference additional sessions in Bangkok, Thailand now open

12 Jul 2018
12 Jul 2018


The resumed forty-eighth sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 48-2) and Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 48-2) as well as the sixth part of the first session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA 1-6) will take place from 4 to 9 September 2018, at the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC), Bangkok, Thailand.

Nominations for the United Nations Climate Change Conference - Additional sessions of the subsidiary bodies, 4–9 September 2018, Bangkok, Thailand are now open.

The deadline for applications for nominations is 20 August 2018, midnight CET.

During the first stage of the nomination phase, all interested parties are encouraged to apply to be nominated. At this stage, interested applicants, even if their attendance is not confirmed, will be eligible for nomination.

Confirmation of attendance will be required during the next phase of the nominations. Once our quota as an institution has been confirmed, we will revert to those who have requested to be nominated to confirm their attendance. Individuals who are attending will have their names confirmed. However if we end up with more than our quota allows,  we will request further justification from all the nominees and we will adjudicate to decide who UCT prioritises.

Interested individuals should follow this link to complete a form to apply to be nominated.

Kindly note that due to space limitations there will be no side events or exhibits during these sessions. Please consult the conference web page for information updates.