ACDI participates in the Adaptation Futures 2018 Conference

24 May 2018
24 May 2018



Adaptation Futures is the world’s premier conference on climate change adaptation. This conference will showcase UCT's climate change research. Please see the table below for the details of all the UCT researchers and academics that will be participating at the conference. 




Session Title

Nadine Methner (Session Organiser)

African Climate & Development Initiative (ACDI)

Overcoming barriers to scaling up Ecosystem-based Adaptation: strengthening the evidence base and engaging the private sector

Sheona Shackleton (session Organiser)

African Climate & Development Initiative (ACDI)

Diversity in application: Understanding how adaptation and disaster risk reduction are linked in different countries and regions

Mark New (Panelist)

African Climate & Development Initiative (ACDI)

Embracing Complexity: The Challenges of Measuring and Defining Adaptation Success

Roland Hunter (Panelist)

African Climate & Development Initiative (ACDI)

Role of MDBs in supporting adaptation in Africa: opportunities and innovative solutions

Julia Davies (Rapporteur)

Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR)

Models of enabling environments for researcher-practitioner collaboration: successes and failures

Hanna-Andrea Rother (Session Organiser)

Environmental Health Division in the School of Public Health and Family Medicine

Integrating health and climate adaptation measures in Africa

Teresa Perez (session organiser)

Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR)

Using and evaluating participatory scenario tools for adaptation

Gina Ziervogel (session Organiser)

Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG)

Vertical integration in adaptation: understanding institutional barriers and enablers to government and non-government actors engaging across scales

Nadine Methner (speaker)

African Climate Development Initiative (ACDI)

Government Natural Resource Management supporting Ecosystem based Adaptation

James Irlam (Panelist)

Faculty of Health Sciences

Integrating health and climate adaptation measures in Africa

Alice McClure (Panelist)

Future Resilience for African Cities and Lands (FRACTAL)

Innovative dialogue for adaptation - an explorative journey

Lucia Scodanibbio (Panelist)


Innovative dialogue for adaptation - an explorative journey

Gina Ziervogel (Speaker)

Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG)

New leaders in a changing climate: The role of leadership in facilitating transformation

Vhalinavho Khavhagali (panelist)

Environmental and Geographical Science

New leaders in a changing climate: The role of leadership in facilitating transformation

Anna Steynor (Session Organiser)

Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG)

The intersection of culture, ethics and information in practical adaptation

Bruce Hewitson (Session Chair)

Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG)

The intersection of culture, ethics and information in practical adaptation

Alice McClure (Rapporteur)

Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG)

The intersection of culture, ethics and information in practical adaptation

Chris Jack (Speaker)

Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG)

Leveraging science to enhance citizen leadership in urban adaptation and risk management

Vernon Visser (Speaker)

Centre for Statistics in Ecology, the Environment and Conservation (SEEC)

Incorporating human responses to climate change in adaptation for biodiversity

Gina Ziervogel (Speaker)

Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG)

Resilience epistemologies - do the science, tools and practices of resilience open or close opportunity for creative partnerships in urban risk management?

Irene Kunamwene (Panelist)


What do the intersections between resilience and wellbeing offer development practice?

Gina Ziervogel (Rapporteur)

Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG)

An urban equity and justice orientation to climate adaptation and resilient transformations

Anna Steynor (speaker)

Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG)

Communicating climate projections: Design approaches, interpretations and applications

Anna Taylor (Panelist)

African Centre for Cities (ACC)

Interdependencies of Systems: Adapting Cities to Cascading Effects Triggered by Climate Extremes

William Bond (Speaker)

Biological Sciences

Managing tree cover: conflicting local versus global perspectives

Salma Hegga (Speaker)

Adaptation At Scale In Semi Arid Regions (ASSAR)

Vertical integration in adaptation: understanding institutional barriers and enablers to government and non-government actors engaging across scales