Measurement and Performance Tracking (MAPT)
MAPT is project-managed by the Energy Research Centre. The World Resources Institute (WRI) is leading the Measurement and Performance Tracking (MAPT) initiative in six developing countries, including South Africa. The goal of this project was to work in partnership with national actors to build capacity and promote shared perspectives and readiness among key stakeholders on the design and implementation of credible systems to make mitigation actions by developing countries measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV), at the national, policy, and industry levels.
In 2013 the Energy Research Centre undertook 3 case studies relating to MRV in South Africa. These case studies, on co-benefits of mitigation actions, the domestic MRV system in South Africa and an examination of the solar water heater roll out in South African can be found on the WRI MAPT website. For general information on the project and other resources, visit the WRI website here.
Research Team
ACDI Senior Researcher
Energy Research Center
University of Cape Town (UCT)
Research Report
MAPT Reflection Piece
Indicators for a Renewable Energy mitigation actionMAPT INSTITUTIONS CASE STUDY SERIES:
MRV of non-GHG Aspects of Mitigation Actions: Developing an Aproach in South African Context
MRV Across Multi-Level Governance: National, Provincial & Minicipal Institutions in South Africa
South African Approaches to MRV of Mitigation Actions: The Case of Installing Solar Water Heaters